Pacte Bois - Biosourcés Fibois AuRA
Erscheinungsdatum: 31.03.2024
Pacte Bois - Biosourcés Fibois AuRA
The Pacte bois-biosourcés is a gas pedal and facilitator that commits signatory project owners to massively increasing the use of bio-sourced materials in our region.
The Pacte bois-biosourcés is a tool developed by Fibois Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes and its partners. Aimed at all public and private developers and project owners, it aims to demonstrate that the forest-wood and bio-sourced sectors provide an effective solution to tomorrow's environmental, economic and social challenges. Since its launch in 2022, 35 signatories have signed up, joined by a dozen new project owners who will make their commitment official at the Architect@Work trade show.
To find out more:
Click here for a summary of the Bois-biosourcés Pact.