Erscheinungsdatum: 01.03.2024
Architects and concrete experts have embarked on a quest to find innovative applications for prefabricated concrete, not limited to concrete projects, but without any barriers. What do the designers dream of, and what do they want to experiment with alongside architects and concrete experts? How can they take concrete "to the next level"?
Prototypes revolve around the following themes: Bio-Receptive, Bursting and Conductive Concrete, Water of Crete, Self-Cloning Concrete, Coupling Cupola, Concrete Curtain.
Designers: Lie Bormans (DMOA), Xaveer Claerhout (Claerhout – Van Biervliet), Benjamin Denef (DMOA), Kasper Habtie (Bureau Bouwtechniek), Siebe Jansegers, Anas Kereknaoui, Dominiek Larsen (DNA-Architecten)
Concrete Experts: Jochem Ahmad (DECOMO), Maarten Durnez (ENJOYCONCRETE), Seppe Weiss (ENJOYCONCRETE) Facilitators: Siebe Bakker (bureau bakker), Guy Mouton (Mouton), Jef Marinus (FEBELARCH), Arnaud Tandt (FEBELCEM)
EXPERIMENTAL CONCRETE is an initiative by FEBELARCH and FEBELCEM, based on a concept by Hans Köhne and Siebe Bakker. /