Online Architectures

Erscheinungsdatum: 21.05.2025

Between each conference and non-stop on a dedicated space, ARCHITECTURES EN LIGNE.ORG, a digital platform for broadcasting architecture videos, will present a selection of conferences with architects from the PACA region.

A shared desire to share architecture is a regional platform for disseminating architectural culture: it showcases the best of the events on architecture, urban planning and landscape that have taken place in the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur region.

Created in 2012, Architectures en ligne. org (AEL) unveiled its third version of the site in October 2024, with a host of new features. With almost 300 videos available, including around 145 filmed events and 3-minute capsules, AEL is positioning itself as an essential resource for all architecture, urban planning and landscape enthusiasts.

AEL is based on a shared interest in these disciplines and the desire of a professional network to promote the content of the high-quality conferences they support. The initiative, launched by the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur Regional Department of Cultural Affairs, brings together eight organisations in the region involved in promoting architecture, towns and landscapes. This editorial committee examines all proposals for new videos; it designs the platform and works to ensure that it is free, scalable and accessible to all.

Keep up to date with new videos by subscribing to the newsletter or by following the Facebook page @architecturesenligne!

The AEL today consists of :

\ Conferences and round tables led by renowned architects, town planners and landscape architects, selected by the steering committee

\ Short-format ‘3-minute’ videos, providing a quick summary of the issues addressed at the conferences selected by the editorial committee

\ Interviews, exhibition visits and other video coverage of events in the PACA region.

\ A website redesigned to adapt to today's uses, thanks to an intuitive interface, improved referencing and ease of use, thus guaranteeing ever richer and higher quality content.

Objectives of Architectures en ligne :

Architectures en Ligne is a partnership, regional and digital project, revealing the synergies operating in the PACA region. Its aim is to :

Disseminate architectural culture by making it accessible to as many people as possible at the click of a mouse;

To increase awareness and education about architecture;

Support and promote regional events;

To become the benchmark regional database with a worldwide reach.

Today, Architectures en Ligne represents :

- 13 years of existence

- Nearly 300 videos available!

- 145 events filmed in the PACA region

- 125 conferences and round tables filmed

- more than 100 conferences also available in short version (‘3 minutes’)

- 9 exhibition visits

- 11 interviews with leading figures in architecture

- an audience that extends beyond the borders of the PACA region and France

- more than 120 countries represented among the visitors to Architectures en Ligne.

Platform partners :

- the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur Regional Department of Cultural Affairs (DRAC PACA)

- the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur Regional Council of the Order of Architects

- the Marseille National School of Architecture (ENSA-M)

- the Maison de l'architecture et de la ville PACA (MAV PACA)

- the Bouches-du-Rhône Council for Architecture, Town Planning and the Environment (CAUE 13)

- the Var Council for Architecture, Town Planning and the Environment (CAUE 83)

- Forum d'Urbanisme et d'Architecture de la Ville de Nice (Nice Town Planning and Architecture Forum)

- Image de ville

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