Erscheinungsdatum: 15.05.2025
Architects and concrete experts explored innovative applications of precast concrete. This edition of Experimental Concrete BE focused on the exceptional durability of concrete. Designers and producers adapted the functionality and aesthetics of concrete elements over time. The presented prototypes are not finished products but the result of a short process aimed at inspiring and sparking discussion.
Discover these prototypes and more: FloatInTime, ChangInTime, Bolted, ColorInTime, SpoilInTime, GrowInTime…
Designers: Alexander De Mont (PLUSOFFICE), Eline Lanckriet, Jao Smet (io-architecten), Jord Lindelauf (a2o architecten), Laura Schellen (VIVA architecture), Marc Van Thienen, Wouter Persyn, Oscar Rommens (import.export ARCHITECTURE)
Concrete experts: Jochem Ahmad (DECOMO), Maarten Durnez (ENJOYCONCRETE), Seppe Weiss (ENJOYCONCRETE)
Advisors: Siebe Bakker (bureaubakker), Jef Marinus (FEBELARCH), Arnaud Tandt (FEBELCEM)
EXPERIMENTAL CONCRETE is an initiative of FEBELARCH and FEBELCEM, based on a concept by Hans Köhne and Siebe Bakker.