
A@W Madrid 2024

This event has passed. Next edition: Spring 2026.


PROJEKTAUSSTELLUNG selected by world-architects.com

World-Architects präsentiert zum fünften Mal eine kuratierte Projektausstellung an der ARCHITECT@WORK. Insgesamt 40 Arbeiten von Mitgliedern der Plattform weltweit aus dem Themenfeld Leichtbau, leichtes und einfaches Bauen stehen im Fokus. Interviews über zirkuläres Bauen ergänzen und komplettieren die Ausstellung. 

Healthy Materials for Human Wellbeing by MaterialDriven

We are more and more aware of the impact that materials are having on our environment, taking care to understand key parameters such as the carbon footprint, recyclability, and embodied energy before these are selected and specified for projects. But if we look even further, we should also strive to improve the impact that these materials have on human health and wellbeing.


The Official College of Architects of Madrid presents in ARCHITECT@WORK Madrid 2024 an exhibition made up of architectural elements that have been designed for specific works and that intervene in a decisive way in the relationship of the building with its surroundings and with the uses it deploys inside.