TerraFibra Architectures - Selection of finalist buildings for the TerraFibra Award

Publication date: 31.08.2024

Edition 2023 - Feature Paris - TerraFibra Architectures 1.jpg

Photographic exhibition

Buildings in pisé, poured earth, bauge, adobe, cob or compressed earth blocks, walls insulated with straw bales or hemp earth, bamboo frameworks, reed roofs... “TerraFibra architectures” unveils the finalists of the first world prize for contemporary architecture in raw earth and plant fibers. TerraFibra architectures” unveils the 40 finalist buildings for the world's first prize for contemporary architecture in raw earth and plant fibers. Co-produced by the Pavillon de l'Arsenal, amàco and Les Grands Ateliers, the exhibition presents these international projects and explains, through a thematic trail, the qualities and advantages of these materials and the techniques, both ancient and innovative, that put them to use.

Faced with the challenge of climate change and the need to adapt building systems, the use of biosourced and geosourced materials offers virtuous technical solutions. Some have been tried and tested for centuries, others are being invented today. Combining earth and plant fibers enhances the mix of materials and reaffirms the importance of constructive intelligence, which aims to use the right quantity of the right material in the right place. Emphasizing this complementarity of materials also means avoiding the pitfall of an industry focused on a single technical solution, a model that is definitively without a future and particularly polluting

In the wake of COP26, the “TerraFibra architectures” event confirms that virtuous practices exist throughout the world in a wide variety of contexts. Enthusiastic, passionate and generous, the architects behind these projects are making the use of biosourced and geosourced materials credible, and highlighting the economic, social and ecological aspects that underpin their projects and their commitment. They demonstrate that it is possible to build differently, drawing on local resources and know-how without sacrificing innovation. Rooted in their local territories, these frugal and creative architectures open up new horizons for construction and renovation.

Exhibition co-produced by Pavillon de l'Arsenal, amàco and Les Grands Ateliers

Guest curators :

Dominique Gauzin-Müller, architect-researcher

Anne Lambert, engineer, designer, amàco

21, Bld Morland

75004 Paris

+33 1 42 76 33 97



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Cover picture: © Camille Gharbi


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