HEALTHY HEROES by MaterialDistrict
Publication date: 07.10.2024
Conventional building methods often focus on economic efficiency when choosing materials, whereby the consequences for a healthy indoor and outdoor climate are often given less consideration. Fortunately, there is more and more attention for sustainable and healthy buildings and more (interior) architects discover the advantages of building with (unconventional) materials that have a positive effect on energy, circularity and health.
During the exhibition "Heathy Heroes", which is specially curated for ARCHITECT@WORK, MaterialDistrict will show a wide range of over 120 innovative material samples. The exhibition is divided into two main themes; Healthy Spaces shows a selection of materials that contribute to a healthy indoor climate (ventilating, air purifying, moisture regulating, thermal insulating), materials that protect us (antibacterial, UV protected, anti-radiation, non-toxic, anti-allergenic) and materials that contribute to good acoustics and connection with the outside (daylight, greenery).
Healthy Planet has a broad focus on materials with a low CO2 footprint (biobased, circular), materials that generate or save energy, materials that are recyclable or reusable, and materials that save waste or are made from waste.