Publication date: 20.11.2024


Lignum, the Swiss Wood Industry, is the umbrella organization of the Swiss forest and wood industry. It brings together the main associations and organizations in the sector, research and training institutes, public corporations and a large number of players in the construction industry. Lignum is committed to improving the conditions under which wood is produced and used in Switzerland. Lignum offers technical, communication and political services to the public in all regions of Switzerland.

In each canton, a regional action community is active locally in favor of wood.

The Lignum Award was created in 2009 to highlight the best wood projects in Switzerland. The competition takes place every three years, and was held for the sixth time in 2024.

A veritable showcase for wood applications, the award has gone from strength to strength. In 2024, a record 583 entries were received nationwide. These objects were distributed across five regions: West, Centre-West, Centre, North and East. A total of 25 Distinctions in the Timber Construction category and 14 Distinctions in the Carpentry category were awarded throughout Switzerland.

Buildings, interiors, furnishings and works of art from Switzerland or Liechtenstein, completed between January 1, 2020 and February 29, 2024, were eligible for the competition.

- West: BE-f, FR-f, GE, JU, NE, VD, VS-f - 129 projects entered

- Central West: BE-d, FR-d, VS-d - 72 projects entered

- North: AG, BL, BS, SH, SO, ZH - 168 projects registered

- East: AI, AR, FL, GL, GR, SG, TG - 120 projects registered

- Central : LU, NW, OW, SZ, TI, UR, ZG - 94 projects entered

The seven members of each jury were from outside the region in question, and came from very different fields of activity. Each project entered was analyzed in detail and then, for a selection of projects, visited in situ to award distinctions. Marc Angélil, Architect and Honorary Professor in the Department of Architecture at ETH Zurich, acted as Chairman of the Juries.

For the first time this year, the public was also able to vote for their favorite project in each of the 2 categories.


Image - edition 2024 Lausanne - Intervention proposée par Lignum Vaud.jpg



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